Cross Time Cafe
- None recorded
- The Stick Figure Dragons - A Stick Figure Dragon can be found on the wall of the dungeon! 15-10-2005
- Dungeons & Denizens - Gazdar does a little cleaning and advertising in the dark dungeons! 12-11-2005
- Fur Will Fly - Looks like the journey of Mr. Socko has brought him to this Chamber of Lost Socks! 03-12-2005
- Schlock Mercenary - Sergeant Schlock does his take for the "None-Cannon" storyline! 14-01-2006
- The Stick Figure Dragons - Here be... a Drawing of a Stick Figure Dragon? 11-02-2006
- DMFA - Those Pygmy Shrews DO show up everywhere... hunting... mauling! 04-03-2006
- Hellbound - Mel, Kyota, Baxter and Guy of the 1st of April strip on a quest for the one Ring! 15-04-2006
- Narbonic - Helen attenting a meeting like this would have to get NORAD alerted! 04-03-2008
- A Miracle of Science - with Agent Benjamin Prester to take part in a meeting, its bound to get interesting! 04-03-2008
- Schlock Mercenary - You bet any meeting with Kevyn as attendant will soon become something special! 04-03-2008
- Girl Genius - Yep, better go to DefCon 2, Agatha Heterodyne is goint to attend this banquet! 04-03-2008
- The Whiteboard - Just hide the flames, with Doc around, there will soon be plenty for everyone! 04-03-2008
- Catena - The call for ice cream is heard clearly from out of Catene! 11-04-2009
- DMFA - Like Mother like Daughter... a demand of ice cream from DMFA is heard! 11-04-2009
- Code Name: Hunter - Even a Hunter needs ice cream, and thats what the demand is from Code Name: Hunter! 11-04-2009
- The Dreamland Chronicles - A Dwarf calling for icecream it can be heard all the way from Dreamland Chronicles! 11-04-2009
- Freefall - Freefall Sam can go for the ice cream, but Florence can only think of the consequences! 11-04-2009
- 21st Century Fox - In the 21st Century Fox, ice cream is not asked for, its demanded! 11-04-2009
- TwoKinds - When an exclamation for ice cream is made in Twokinds, its heard! 11-04-2009
- Carry On - Its a sheepish Carry On affair that calls for... ice cream! 11-04-2009
- By the Saints - When there's a demand for ice cream in By the Saints, its a DEMAND! 11-04-2009
- Caribbean Blue - High sun and catgirl in bikinies, but Caribbean Blue lacks ice cream! 11-04-2009
- Broken Plot Device - Is it a Borken Plot Device when you covered in snow still demands ice cream? 11-04-2009
- Sequential Art - Three lovely squirrel girls, all craving ice cream... thats Sequentil Art! 11-04-2009
- Sabrina Online - There's one pony who will find out how "lame" Transformers-fan in Sabrina can be! 09-03-2011
- Render Strips - According to this, Render Strips (Bugs) should now have a new forum located at greener pastures? 06-04-2011
- Suburban Jungle - According to this update, the forum for Suburban Jungle should now be found another place? 06-04-2011
- By the Saints - As of this message, the forums for By the Saints have moved to greener pastures! 06-04-2011
- Sequential Art - Even a Unicorn can only bat an eye and wonder when a group of Denizens walk by! 23-11-2011
- Broken Plot Device - Inix is politely pointed in the right direction when she portals in for a visit! 07-12-2011
- Girl Genius - Roy gets his coffee served while reading his Girl Genius comic book! NEOlithic CTC page #61
- Girl Genius - There was a Studio Froglio (Phoglio) button to be had at the convention? NEOlithic CTC page #134
- Doc Rat - So Kathy managed to find the whole Doc(k) Rat collection? Thats a pretty nifty haul! NEOlithic CTC page #134
- A Miracle of Science - Using a Ball Lightning Gun needs power... lots of power! NEOlithic CTC page #182
Cross Time Cafe cameos/references can be found in:
- Freefall - Looks like White Pony has branched out from the cafe and started... The White Pony Mall! 26-07-2002
- Carry On - Celebrating wedding at Cross Time cafe? Highjinks assured for the next storyline! 02-07-2004
- The Stick Figure Dragons - Florence and White Pony join the celebration of their own anniversary! 21-06-2005
- Code Name: Hunter - White Pony exits the realm of the fey to help a "pest" on a quest! 19-09-2005
- The KAMics - Seems like the Semi-Mystical Otherworldly Gate also leads to the Cross Time Cafe! 28-08-2006
- CameoComic - Looks like there's a thought of shipping a trunk to Cross Time Cafe! 24-08-2007
- Freefall - In this style Kathy and White Pony ends the Video Store poster window! 02-04-2010
- Carry On - Picking a hair from a mane in another dimension is easy enough when you got a Tardis! 29-05-2013
- Swords and Sausages - White Pony seems a bit surprised over Silver's sudden eager interest in his UPD! 10-04-2014
- Goblin Hollow - A raw and uncut Unicorn aka. Roy Calbeck, breaks a little girls heart with reality! Strip 0069
Webcomic artist appearances/references:
- Digger - Kathy got an Ursula Vernal (Vernon) print at the con? Nice treasure there! NEOlithic CTC page #134
Hogan's Notes:
Characters from the following strips appear so often in Cross Time Cafe that they are considered a part of the normal cast and hence don't count as cameos:
Freefall (Florence, Sam, Robots and Dr. Thurmad), 21st Century Fox (Jenny and Jack), Freighter Tails (Mzzkiti), Carry On (Kathy) and Hellbound (KY/Kyota)
- Cross Time Cafe contributed to the multi-comic storyline event that was the Crossover Wars.
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