Elf Only Inn

- None recorded
- Demonology 101 - The comic of Demonology 101 has been nominated at WCCA 2003! 07-07-2003
- Fans - At WCCA 2003, Fans was nominated for the category of Outstanding Writing! 07-07-2003
- It's Walky! - The wellwritten adventures of Its Walky! have come up for the WCCA nominating! 07-07-2003
- Megatokyo - The Leet of Megatokyo is good enough for a WCCA 2003 nominating! 07-07-2003
- Penny Arcade - The catagory of Outstanding Writing has Penny Arcade nominated for WCCA 2003! 07-07-2003
- Aldus Maycombe - Looks like Bird Guy has a character in the game... fish and knife as chosen weapons! 26-01-2007
- Darken - Obviously both Mink and... Komiyan? have signed up with the Sisterhood! 31-01-2007
- Angels 2200 - Quetz Valdex, WoW-special, has joined the growing army of the Sisterhood! 31-01-2007
- Minions For Hire - Outfitted in epic armour, Ruby fits nicely in with the army of the Sisterhood! 31-01-2007
- Elvenbaath - Obviously Miko has joined the Sisterhood to use her powers of healing for them! 16-02-2007
- Tales of the Traveling Gnome - Dottiar's magic will probably be effective in the defense of the Sisterhood! 16-02-2007
- Blackaby - Though he is armed and armored, Blackaby doesn't look too thrilled fighting for LoD! 23-02-2007
- Orange Revolution - Armed with a Katana, OG looks more than happy to do some killing! 23-02-2007
- The Noob - The naked fiery mage is running by Arse-Mode, the wellknown bug in Clichequest! 02-05-2007
- Cortland - And the game's equivelant to Cortland literally "shoves" his valor in battle! 02-05-2007
Elf Only Inn cameos/references can be found in:
- Mr. Bubbles - Lord Woot, as his mighty one-eyed self, is also hanging out in the Unemployment Center! 14-03-2003
- The Tao of Geek - Hmm... is that Lord Woot we see in the background, getting his shopping done? 04-06-2003
- The Tao of Geek - Looks like there's plenty of people wanting a picture with Woot at Supercon! 31-07-2003
- Cortland - Behind Cortland hair we can spy Lord Woot on the cover of the Elf Only Inn DVD! 13-09-2006
- The Tao of Geek - Lord Woot has been added to the Missing Posters at the local gaming bookstore! 25-09-2006
- Imo - Looks like we have found the missing Lord Woot! He has become a rock star! 09-10-2006
- Plugged Nickel - For Halloween, Bobbi comes as Megan, in the costume of her Elven avatar! 31-10-2006
- Ugly Girl - Ugly herself sweeps the floors of Halloween, coming as Woot! 31-10-2006
- Life of Lars - Lars sure is... happy... to see Lord Woot return to his webcomic...? 02-11-2006
- Angry D. Monkey - Having just arrived at the party, Woot goes straight for the buffet table! 17-11-2006
- Torio - A poster on the wall heralds the return of Elf Only Inn to webcomic lands! 27-11-2006
- Alternate Delusions - Figures a wellknown tentacled avatar as Woot would be at the family reunion! 19-12-2006
- Evil Overlords United - Both Woot and Lord Elf is kept under close scrutiny by the Evil Overlords! 16-02-2007
- Dissent - Duke has bidden in on the cards, wondering why the stranger interrupts the game! 06-04-2007
- Evil Overlords United - Looks like Fellback at one point visited Elf Only Inn and joined the sisterhood! 05-06-2007
- Jack of All Blades - So Woot is manning the Kissin' Booth? Wonder who pays who...! 27-08-2007
- Emergency Exit - In the other world the poor officer suddenly finds himself in, Lord Woot is there to greet him! 03-09-2007
- Evil Overlords United - Broomed and ready, Lord Woot is on the battlefield, prepared to join the fight against the Editor! 19-09-2007
- The Tao of Geek - A major poster features Lord Woot with his favourite Transformer symbol! 25-09-2007
- Project A.D.A.M. - Among the mechanical creations we spot a robotic version of Woot! 14-09-2007
- CameoComic - Lord Woot might be a strange choice to bring to a Final Showdown, but he seems eager for combat! 19-09-2007
- P.S.I. - The EO's might have had him locked up, but Woot still got his mighty broom! 02-01-2008
- Evil Overlords United - The Eternal Sweeper? That can only be Woot we are talking about here, right? 14-10-2009
- Forces of Good and Evil - Looks like Lord Elf has moved both Elf Only Inn and his squabbles into the world of MUDrix! 01-09-2017
- Angry D. Monkey - Seems to Lord Woot who is among the gathering behind Angry! 29-08-2017
- Forces of Good and Evil - The offline versions of Duke and Nimoy are having a day out, watching the jousting at the Ren-Faire! 29-06-2020
- Forces of Good and Evil - Real life April and Megan unsuspectingly pass their friends Duke and Nimoy in offline forms! 04-09-2020
- Inhumation - Wearing his usual badass expression, Duke can be spotted walking the streets! #88
- Bigger Than Cheeses - Lord Woot attends the big webcomic gathering, shaking tentacles with everyone! Strip 340
Webcomic artist appearances/references:
- Reckless Youth - Looks like Claude has made his avatar to game the Marauders of Gaia! 24-01-2007
- Dissent - I actually think Sincerely's eyepatch avatar makes a very good character! 24-01-2007
- Action Porn - As the unique Pink Cavalier, CJ listens with interest to Barbivines speech! 24-01-2007
- Star Bored - Bob's usual avatar makes a good Elf.. but there's something about the hair! 24-01-2007
- Angry D. Monkey - Tough and menacing, Keon's character of an Angry Monk is cool! 24-01-2007
- Legostar Galactica - Hehehe... Lego actually looks pretty okay as a Halfling Munchkin character! 26-01-2007
- My Underworld - Tynan looks... vaguely worried after seeing Percey's swordwork! 26-01-2007
- Peacekeepers - Figures that War's character in the game would look as badass as himself! 26-01-2007
- Breakdown - In Marauders of Gaia, Mercury Hat's cat-eared avatar makes a good character! 26-01-2007
- The Tao of Geek - I don't know what Litazia is playing, but she got a very nicelooking character! 26-01-2007
- Gremlins//Toxic Takeover - Looks like Lilith and company is in for some airborne RA-attack! 09-02-2007
- Project A.D.A.M. - Figures The Mortician would be armed with a shovel when he enters melee! 23-02-2007
Josh Sortelli cameos/references:
- The Menagerie - Josh Sortelli is referenced by his favorite "Lord Woot"-avatar in a picture on the wall! 07-05-2005
- Legostar Galactica - It's not easy to overlook the many-armed avatar of Sortelli at the party! 25-08-2005
- Role of the Die - Guess Sortelli's avatar finally has found something to meet eye to eye! 10-05-2006
- Torio - It must have been an interesting subject for a presentation if it included Sortelli! 23-10-2006
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