
- None recorded
- Miss Whore - Looks like someone finally managed to get Miss Whore behind bars! 20-03-2007
- Saturnalia - Caret and Doyen seems to have been locked up.. and they don't like it! 20-03-2007
- Red All Over - You can get crazy if you get behind bars, and it's Lance who tests that theory! 20-03-2007
- Firefly Cross - Even when he is put behind bars, Micah Drews stays completely calm ! 20-03-2007
- Wind Riders - Put behind bars, Dante seems more miffed than directly obset! 20-03-2007
Evilish cameos/references can be found in:
- Something Positive - So this is where there are Evilish action figures for sale? Great! 29-03-2003
- Treasure Hunters - Figarro appears with surprise to give a short message and a couple of doodles! 22-06-2003
- Firefly Cross - Akuma and Ember have become a part of Katyn's collection of figures! 15-12-2003
- Saturnalia - Among the spectators we find Figarro, eager for something to happen! 29-03-2006
- Charby the Vampirate - Rarebit has sneaked in to be among the horde of guest at the great party! 27-09-2006
- Evil Overlords United - Somebody is down over at Evlish, and the Evil Overlords monitor it all! 09-04-2007
- Red All Over - In the crowd, listening to the monologue, we find both Rai and Pion! 03-07-2007
- Firefly Cross - What Figarro tries to sell from his stall doesn't look all too legal...! 13-08-2007
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