The Fury Wars
The Fury Wars

- None recorded

- Some Irregular Comics - Once there was Some Irregular Comics... until the idea of it imploded and it was gun! 17-08-2015
- The Grenz - The Grenz... a comic that grew until it collided with other ideas and... was lost! 17-08-2015
- Inferno - Kyo the God seeks out the universe of Inferno to protect and nurture it! 30-08-2015
- The Green-Eyed Sniper - The universe of The Green Eyed Sniper is one of those supervised by Kyo! 30-08-2015
- Epic Land - In the universe of Epic Land, Sazzale looked up to Kyo and paid homage to him as a God! 06-09-2015
- Blood & Smoke - John Carson Jr. apparently didn't see Kyo as God, but more as an inspiration! 06-09-2015
- Wayfarers of the Beyond - If there's one who has learned to see into other universes, its Dr. Deacon! 28-09-2015
- Missing Dream - The universe of Missing Dream is one of those you can peer into! 28-09-2015
- The Adventures of Aquila and Teren - Some have learned to look into other universes and they watch Aquila and Teren! 28-09-2015
- The Chanterelle and May Life - People from other universes look into Chanterelle and May... but at their own risk! 28-09-2015
- Metaverse - Even from other universes some are tuning it to see what happens in the universe of Metaverse! 28-09-2015
- Consolers - Nintendo is happily playing a game, not knowing people from other universes are peering in! 28-09-2015
- Parasite Galaxy - You should be careful when looking at Parasite Galaxy, but people from other universes do just that! 28-09-2015
- Night Lights and Dark Places - Funny... it actually looks like James can feel that other people are looking into his universe...! 28-09-2015
- Parasite Galaxy - Looks like someone remember back when Parasite Galaxy had a visitor! 01-10-2015
- The Shadows Over Innsmouth - Aaww... seems like someone remember when Jaunt visited friends in another comic! 01-10-2015
- The Misadventures of Ahbah - The Misadventures of Ahbah is one of the universes that have grown strong under Kyo! 08-11-2015
- Project Girard - Under Kyo's care the universe of Project Girad was now pulled apart through interactions with other universes! 08-11-2015
- Kaza's Mate, Gwenna - The universe of Kaza's Mate, Gwenna, was kept strong and controlled under the care of Kyo! 08-11-2015
- Wayfarers of the Beyond - And all of sudden Kyo left, showing emptiness... except for a universe with Marie-Ange! 22-11-2015

The Fury Wars cameos/references can be found in:
- Nowhere so far

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