
- None recorded
- Venus Envy - The wellused soccer ball gag is escalated to a whole new level with double impact! 05-02-2006
- Girly - As part of the montage, Rene is at one point dressed up as Otra! 06-02-2006
- High Maintenance - Rene is actually reading a High Maintenance comic book while waiting! 04-05-2006
- Misfile - Looks like Ash's influence has made Rumisiel patron saint of drivers! 23-05-2006
- Triquetra Cats - Looks like Triquetra Cats is the next series to run on the television! 15-08-2006
- The Wotch - 1 hour of The Wotch? That must really be one heck of a series then! 15-08-2006
GreyMatters cameos/references can be found in:
- Closetspace - Wednesday and Rene walk past, ignored as just another Deja Vu! Strip 172
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