
- P.S.I. - Levon Von Waffle tries his hand at a new job, and Bodil drops in at the wrong time! 26-07-2011

- Magical Misfits - Wheels is enjoying one huge cup of his latest craving... coffee! 29-02-2008
- The KAMics - In full Valkyrie outfit Brunhilde is hanging out and relaxing, enjoying a nice cup of coffee! 29-02-2008
- Public Humiliation - Drake has found his way to the coffee house, eyeing his cup a little suspeciously! 29-02-2008
- Madscott - Scott has gotten something to drink at the coffee house, but seems eager to drink out! 29-02-2008
- The KAMics - Brunhilde raging can equal the Hulk in feriosity and damages! 29-04-2008
- The SuperFogeys - Looks like Captain Spectacular has decided to stay out of THIS battle! 29-04-2008
- Crossing Death - Brick eyes the dastardly coward that has put them all in dangers way! 29-04-2008
- Company Man - Connor just about managed to dive behind cover to avoid the wholesale destruction! 29-04-2008
- The Faction - Mota know one thing to be sure... stay out of reach of an angry woman! 29-04-2008
- Posted - In the quiet desolated graveyard, Meep appears all of sudden, finally seen again! 29-04-2008
- Insanity of Xade - And in a flash Alexis suddenly is the one advertising for... buzzaws? 14-08-2009
- Life & Death - From the top of the tower, Steve looks up and wonders what the flash just heralded! 14-08-2009
- M. Organ Art - The flash and changes afoot makes M. Organ looks up from the castlewall has was on! 14-08-2009
- Powerjeff - Some things do get to Jeff's attention... a major flash and changes galore for example! 14-08-2009
- The Dragon Fists of Smorty Smythe - The Food Court gets smashed right in front of Smorty's eyes! 12-09-2009
- The Fifty Peso Ninja - Goh is quite eager and ready to avenge to fall of the Food Court! 12-09-2009
- Alien Dice - The strike passes right past the space station where Lexx happens to be! 17-09-2009
- Schlock Mercenary - Sgt. Schlock is around the spacestation from where the blast can be seen! 17-09-2009
- Zortic - Good old Zortic, hardly notices the planet-shattering blast going right past the spacestation! 17-09-2009
- Blade of Toshubi - In a world changed a little, Jessica seems to happily living on with her life! 24-09-2009
- WarriorBorn - Somewhere, changes was made to the world... and Buddy lives happily not knowing! 24-09-2009
- Zorphbert & Fred - Wonder if any changes made means something to Fred? Think not...! 24-09-2009
- Living Large - Dirk is trying to fill in the Demonlords chair... and really fills it out! 11-10-2009
- Villain Next Door - Doctor Argon shows why Evil Scientists should NOT pick their noses! 23-05-2010
- The Unthinkable Hybrid - Out walking the dog in the evening, Skip literally sees the shit being blown up! 21-04-2011
- Dax Comics - It sounds and looks like it will be easy to find out where Ghost did buy that shirt! 28-12-2011
- Gene Catlow - Best way to spend your plane trip... watching Gene Catlow on your tablet! 06-04-2017
- Schlock Mercenary - Yes, a Strohm Plasma Gun matches with any wardrobe! 01-08-2017
- Mindmistress - So.. the Psy-Staff of Mindmistress has become a symbol of... ? 01-08-2017
- The KAMics - Surely you would not think one of the Valkyerie's Helmets is a symbol of something big? 01-08-2017
- Wapsi Square - The Wapsi 8-Ball shirt is always a great fit... also if you become a dude! 01-08-2017

Grin-N-Spirit cameos/references can be found in:
- Magical Misfits - With a strip up on the wall, Scale has prepared Grin-N-Spirit for future study! 22-02-2008
- Magical Misfits - An invite to a party in Shelterville has been send to Grin-N-Spirit and is received well! 03-03-2008
- Crossing Death - Ghostrunner stands in the background, admiring a very special sculpture! 26-03-2008
- Posted - Looks like the Ghostrunner crew has run afoul of the infamous Japanese Ninja Mob! 27-03-2008
- The KAMics - Call the Copyright Squad! Gin & Spirit just GOT to be a trademark violation! 28-04-2008
- Salt the Holly - Levon has taken time off to visit the museum's exhibition, scaring ghosts all awhile! 03-06-2008
- Dawnbringer - In the back, among the regulars of the crowd near Red Velvet, we spot Ghostrunner! 01-07-2008
- Antcomics - Roy just about manages to give a grin and a booh at Antcomic's 100th strip event! 28-07-2008
- The KAMics - Ghostrunner has seen much in his life, but the sight at the G&B celebration is too much! 01-08-2008
- Magical Misfits - Ghostrunner has arrived at the tropical island to celebrate 600 strips of Magical Misfits! 08-12-2008
- Magical Misfits - With surprise over her suddenly developed feature, Endie flies in for the Shower Party! 13-03-2009
- Insanity of Xade - At the 100 strip pool party at Xade Ghostrunner is showing off his cannonball special! 16-03-2009
- Magical Misfits - Nora and Endie presents the Diaper Genie for easing a new mother's workload! 30-03-2009
- Powerjeff - Ghost walks by in the background, and Boyd is doing his peek-a-boo impression! 16-07-2009
- Astronomalies - Ghost and Von Waffle feel watched... and the planetary eye sees it all! 04-06-2010
- A Deviant Mind - As if there wasn't havoc enough, adding Ghost to an extended storyline really seals the deal! 04-06-2012

Webcomic artist appearances/references:
- Insanity of Xade - Ghostrunner has found a new target to hunt... he is going after Xade! 08-05-2008
- House of the Muses - As Dorothy Wikinden and Rita Wittche, Pam & Penny keeps an eye on things! 25-09-2009
- Melonpool - So now we know who sold Steve his trademark shirt! 01-08-2017

Jim "Ghostrunner" Dyar cameos/references:
- Insanity of Xade - Ghostrunner gets his due punishment for jumping on the "Annoy Xade" bandwagon! 16-04-2008
- Zorphbert & Fred - Excellent caricature of Ghostrunner and his ghost-summoning pencil! 24-02-2009
- The KAMics - Ghostrunner has turned up to get some cake and enjoy the mayhem at the celebration! 17-07-2009
- M. Organ Art - When not doing his comic, Ghostrunner enjoys a nice jog around the beach-premises! MA content warning!09-08-2009

Hogan's Notes:

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