Heroes Unite
Heroes Unite

- None recorded

- Omega Justice - Lieutenant Luke Johnson makes a promo appearance for Heroes Unite! Gueststrip04-10-2008

Heroes Unite cameos/references can be found in:
- The Crossoverlord - A group of superheroes that can be found in Daisen's world is Heroes Unite! 24-06-2008
- WarMage - Hmm... a movie based on Heroes Unite, that could prove to be an interesting one! MA content warning!08-08-2008
- The Crossoverlord - Both Azumorph and HU commander have come out to stand among the assembled heroes! 11-08-2009
- WarMageRebirth - For Llewllyn's birthday, the Commander turns up to bring him birthday-news in person! 29-09-2009
- The Crossoverlord - Many heroes teamed up in Heroes Unite... but they rather not get blended with other realities! 18-04-2010
- The Crossoverlord - Yep, Dasien is a part of Heroes Unite, along with many other superheroes! 06-05-2010
- Crossoverkill - Mindmistress arrives in HU Headquarters to check up on Dasien... and is checked up upon! 09-12-2010
- Crossoverkill - Both Tazer and Nemesis have appeared to take part in the Super Battle Royale! 21-03-2011
- Karabear Comics Unltd. - When Astral developed his super powers he could join up with Heroes Unite! 08-05-2012
- Dasien - For the extended The E.G.O. Incident, Dasien is among her friends in Heroes Unite! 10-06-2014

Hogan's Notes:

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