Insanity for the Poor
Insanity for the Poor

- None recorded

- None recorded

Insanity for the Poor cameos/references can be found in:
- Loxie & Zoot - Both Pyro Pal, Ady Nam, Sweetie, Doomy & Pyro Guy enjoys the waterfight! MA content warning!05-08-2004
- The Mansion of E - Mr. Lincoln, the Evil Penny, arrives in the Mansion at his world-conquest tour! 29-08-2004
- Many Worlds - Mister Lincoln represents the evil of the world... and hides porn magazines! 29-08-2004
- Cortland - In the first panel, next to Cortland's elbow, we find Mr. Lincoln, the evil penny! 01-09-2004
- Cortland - Doomy is indeed one of the more spectacular people waiting to enter the game! 08-10-2004
- Reckless Youth - Looks like Doomy did a bad job at manning the gates of hell! 10-06-2005

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