
- None recorded

- Java Jaguar - Java is sitting in the window of the Coffee Shop, sipping his coffee and enjoying the action! 02-10-2015
- Teach Me To Kill - Q Bee can use Team Kickman for more than they can use her... for different reasons! 16-04-2017
- Wonder Weenies - Interviewing Murrey for internship is a hair-raising experience for Kickman! 19-04-2017
- Gecko Jehovah - Michael Hunter is all what the Kickman is looking for... and Kickman is what HE is looking for! 23-04-2017
- The Legend of Gareus - Gareus attends an interview for internship with Kickman... who he learns pulls no punches! 26-04-2017
- Vatican Assassins - Viola in interviewed for an internship with Kickman... and it goes downhill from there! 30-04-2017
- Degenerate Doggerel - Rube shows off his amazing power... though its one he can only use once... this time! 03-05-2017
- Java Jaguar - Is that Java who is driving the Uber Cab? Earning a little extra money for coffee perhaps? 19-03-2017

Kickman cameos/references can be found in:
- Nowhere so far

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