
- None recorded
- Atypical Children - Three of Minna's classmates are none other than Sara, Jovie & Jessica! 05-11-2005
- The Heroes Adventures - Another one of Minna's classmates seems to be Ein Hoshino! 05-11-2005
- The KAMics - Looks like the worldtraveling prison trunk of KAM has been stored here for good! 08-09-2006
- Sex on the Beach - Emily Caroll must have chosen a new education and enrolled on the Magiversity! 16-09-2006
- 3rd Period Lunch - Add 3rd Period Lunch to a Pentagram, and you have the power! 27-09-2006
- Magical Misfits - The power of the Magical Misfits has been added to the Pentagram! 27-09-2006
- Doodles in Time - Yep! When there are cursed hats, Chibi wants to try them... chaos ensured! 28-09-2006
- Child Abuse - Midori doesn't look all to exited about a visit to the hat shop... chaos expected? 28-09-2006
- The KAMics - So Mina's textbook holds the ways to create a Helmet of Holding? Interesting! 09-10-2006
- The KAMics - So... Atashi's father's friend was an owner of the Trunk of KAM? Interesting! 13-10-2006
- The KAMics - Minna has the latest book in the neverending series of "The KAMics Gone Wild"! 23-10-2006
- 3rd Period Lunch - Out of school, 3rd Period Lunch book becomes... "3rd Period Launch"! 23-10-2006
- GU comics - With all the interesting things from there... off course Minna would have a GU book! 23-10-2006
- Megatokyo - No bookshelf with strange books should be without a Megatokyo book! 23-10-2006
- Magical Misfits - In her book of "Magical Misfits 3025" Minna will find plenty of mysteries to study! 23-10-2006
- Life & Death - A "Life & Death" book... and it looks like its about on how to bribe Steve! 23-10-2006
- The Last Battle Fortress - The case of the missing Battle Fortress Zephyr has been made into a book! 23-10-2006
- Lovemagic - A book featuring Lovemagic up against and opponent? I GOT to get that one! 23-10-2006
- M.Organ Art - The art of M.Organ has been put up against an interesting opponent in the new book! 23-10-2006
- Doodles in Time - A little Halloween filler where Minna tries out the short sexy skirt of Chibi! 31-10-2006
- Life & Death - Minna tests out the ropes of the Grim Reaper... coming with a cooler scythe than Steves! 04-11-2006
- The KAMics - Dressed in the skimpy outfits of KAM's Valkyries, Minna quickly disappears! 06-11-2006
- Doodles in Time - In this world and time, Chibi's weapon has become a powerful and expensive artifact! 15-11-2006
- Life & Death - Something tells me that Steve should take som pointers from Minna this time! 30-11-2006
- Life & Death - Looks like God himself isn't too happy to see Miss Katrinity as his substitute Death! 09-12-2006
- Magical Misfits - Much can happen through time, and Whisper Song is obviously now alive and studying! 29-12-2006
- Hikari - in the future University of magic, a wellknown character is among the students! 29-12-2006
- Magical Misfits - Even further out in the future, Clan Ironkeel is STILL not to be triffled with! 02-01-2007
- S. G. Valkyrie Yuuki - Minna's spells transforms her with the famous Valkyrie uniform! 22-04-2007
- Girl/Robot - The Robot has turned up to celebrate the 100th page of Magiversity! 22-05-2007
- Life & Death - Off course Steve and Bobby are there for the celebration! Steve even brought his mug! 22-05-2007
- NewGirl - Among the spectators for celebration event we find NewGirl! 22-05-2007
- Magical Misfits - Both Hildegard and Wheels have turned up to celebrate the 100th Magiversity strip! 22-05-2007
- Doodles in Time - Chibi sends forth Skorupi to win the battle in honor of the 100th strip! 22-05-2007
- To Be A Pokemon Ace - Ace counter the pokeball attack with sending forth Monferno! 22-05-2007
- 3rd Period Lunch - Christian sure knows how to get people out of a Tarrasque... one way or another! 22-05-2007
- Life & Death - To get his "education", Arcus is sent to spend some time with Steve in his "office"! 25-05-2007
- Magical Misfits - Star and Stewart takes a close look at the Crystal Egg orbiting the planet! 26-05-2007
- Tera Forming - Nurse Tera brings the sign-out information to the waiting patients! 05-06-2007
- Pinky TA - Looks like Pinky has set up shop in the coming storyline of Magiversity! 07-02-2008
- Lovemagic - It sounds like Rena and Tracy have to put more effort into their studies from now on! 18-02-2008
- For Your Eyes Only - Nosh and Sanny didn't do all to well in the test in the class at Magiversity! 18-02-2008
- The KAMics - Though the Valkyries Three have reenrolled in school, they didn't do too well in the test! 18-02-2008
- Strange Candy - Keiko Hasegawa is the one managing Miss Katrinity's door and her guests! 19-02-2008
- Used Books - Jiro lounges in front of a store, and the next strip shows Kaida and her used bookstore! 27-02-2008
- NewGirl - Looks like out favorite NewGirl has recently gotten a job working in the mall! 28-02-2008
- GU Comics - Woody and Ted has gone to the movies, and their poster is up on the walls of the mall! 28-02-2008
- The Ninja Burger Crew - Aiya passes the latest eating place manned by the Ninja Burger Crew! 04-03-2008
- Kerslash - Paige is showing off her bloody pieces of art to the visitors! 04-03-2008
- The Fifty Peso Ninja - So, is the Fifty Peso Ninja checking out the artings or the girls? 04-03-2008
- Grandma Ninja - A painting depicting out favorite Grandma ninja is seen on display in the gallery! 04-03-2008
- Kenji Nin - A painting mimicking a poster from Kenji Nin is hanging on the gallery's wall! 04-03-2008
- Slim Red Ninja - The painting of the Slim Red Ninja is a part of the gallery's ninja collection! 04-03-2008
- Life & Death - Looks like Bobby has made a revaling book about the peeks of his job! 07-03-2008
- Cafe Buzz - Casey is the one manning the ticket counter at the theater! 07-03-2008
- Gift - As the couple enjoying themselves (?), Rey and Julie walk past Wyndgarde who's eyeing them! 07-03-2008
- Unsound of Mind - Kathy is spotted on the poster advertising Unsound of Mind the movie! 07-03-2008
- Girl/Robot - Hmm... girl/robot the movie... now thats something you don't see every day! 07-03-2008
- Last Place Comics - Last Place Comics has gone and become Last Place Movie... watch it! 07-03-2008
- Summoning Duo - Okay, it looks like Summoning Duo will become a movie worth seeing! 07-03-2008
- The Great Adventures of Kizzy - Kizzy has obviously taken a job, using her shamanic skills in a petstore! 03-05-2008
- Life & Death - Looks like Bobby is having some fun behind those bushes... I hope Brunny is there too! 12-05-2010
- Used Books - Seiko shows up as the knowing Lore Master, and next page Fudo gives it as Master Swordsman! 14-05-2010
- Pinky TA - Pinky steps forth to give it as the experiences and thought retired Gun Mage! 14-05-2010
- Unsound of Mind - The tricky Card Mage is none other than out very own Kathy! 14-05-2010
- Magical Misfits - Celebrating the whooping 150 comics, Chibi-Wheels takes a flight around the planet! 20-05-2010
- Weird Void - Chibi-Deoxi has been send around the planet in order to celebrate 150 Magiversity strips! 20-05-2010
- Pinky TA - Armed and alert as always, Pinky flies around for the 150 strip celebration! 20-05-2010
- Life & Death - Steve hoists his mug and bobby flails, both around to celebrate the 150 strips! 20-05-2010
- Magical Misfits - Looks like the inn has some vintage Wheels Ironkeels business posters hanging around! 26-05-2010
- The KAMics - Poor Gertrude... she just offers and is refused... who of us would have had the power? 02-06-2010
- Planet Chaser - Looks like Minna has a model of Clarissa's spaceship lying under her bed! 17-06-2010
- Magician's Quest - One can wonder if Minna brings that Jade doll with her everywhere? 17-06-2010
- Magical Misfits - Looks like a cape with Jib Sails logo was trapped in the now shattered Rock Golem! 20-06-2010
- The KAMics - Out of the slashed remains of the Rock Golem falls... pieces of a certain trunk! 20-06-2010
Magiversity cameos/references can be found in:
- The KAMics - Looks like the local branch of the Magiversity is closed these days! 01-09-2006
- Magical Misfits - An image of Minna shows up in the realm where Wheels's soul resides for a time! 11-10-2006
- The KAMics - I sure hope that spell doesn't catch on at the topless beaches around here! 17-11-2006
- Life & Death - Substitute Death, Miss Katrinity, has joined the party in her Freddy Krueger outfit! 11-12-2006
- Magical Misfits - It's time for studying! There's lots of books on magic for Minna this Christmas25-12-2006
- Life & Death - Miss Katrinity looks almost TOO scarry and eager to become an Assistant Reaper! 25-05-2007
- NewGirl - Minna has taken the trip from Magiversity to congratulate NewGirl & Co with 50 strips! 09-07-2007
- Evil Overlords United - For all her magic, Minna has no idea she is being watched by the Evil Overlords! 12-07-2007
- Life & Death - Minna has taken time off from the Magiversity in order to join the 400 strip celebration! 12-08-2007
- CameoComic - Minna has indeed potential for battle, so cameoing her would be a must! 24-08-2007
- Evil Overlords United - The noble Sir Mightion looks like one the EO's want to to keep an eye on here! 05-09-2007
- Evil Overlords United - Sir Mighthion came to fight the EOU, but Celine's mindpowers sends him against his allies! 14-09-2007
- Magical Misfits - Minna seems to enjoy herself here at the 600 strip celebration of the Misfits! 05-10-2007
- Magical Misfits - The goingons at the school of Magiversity seems to have a high priorite at Scales! 22-02-2008
- Magical Misfits - Minna thinks it could be pretty cool to join the party in transdimensional Shelterville! 03-03-2008
- The KAMics - Hard to tell, but the title of the book is actually "Magiversity Misses Misbehaving"! 27-03-2008
- Life & Death - Always eager to show off her reaper-outfit, Ms. Katrinity has joined the party on the island! 01-12-2008
- Life & Death - Having donned her swimsuit, Miss Katrinity is an honored guest at the 700 strip poolparty! 05-08-2009
- Life & Death - Still wearing her "Reaper-outfit", Miss Katrinity is around for the 800 strip party! 19-04-2010
- M. Organ Art - Miss Katrinity seems to have had some happy days in Brazil, ready to fly home now!
- Astronomalies - One can wonder why Minna's Moonstaff is suddenly seen all alone, orbiting Earth! 03-06-2010
- Life & Death - Miss Katrinity is back at another party, 900 strips this time, hanging out with the "other" Reapers! 06-01-2011
- City of Dream - As soon as there's a chance to get to slash Undead, Miss Katrinity takes a leave from school! 10-06-2011
- Life & Death - As usual Miss Katrinity shows up at the celebration strip party, chatting along with the Reapers! 19-09-2011
- Used Books - Is that Minna, or someone dressed as her, showing up at the costume party? 11-10-2011
Webcomic artist appearances/references:
- The KAMics - KAM waz here? Hmm... wonder is that Pentagram is sage to you? 27-09-2006
- The KAMics - Looks like KAM has branched out to include breakfast cereals in his sortiment! 15-01-2007
- The KAMics - KAMeo Phone Service... now who can be the provider for that? 07-04-2007
- The KAMics - KAM has started selling files and maps? Is nothing sacred to that man? 06-05-2010
- The KAMics - KAM now also owns and runs an inn? Trunk-inn even! :o 13-05-2010
- The KAMics - Looks like someone finally did KAM in!! A part of the 150 strip celebration perhaps? 20-05-2010
- The KAMics - And we are finally introduced to KAM, inn-manager and general businessman in this world! 25-05-2010
- Pinky TA - Special magical charges, ready for enpowerment by spell... provided by Ozone Ocean! 29-05-2010
Benny "Lonnehart" Reyes cameos/references:
- Magiversity - Here, in this cemetery, lies Lonnehart. You were a good friend and will be missed!! 22-10-2021
Hogan's Notes:
- The first run of Magiversity has been taken off the web as the comic rebooted. Hence the missing cameo-strips from the beginning.
- KAM of The KAMics has in the world of this comic officially been revealed to be a very far-reaching businessman, hence his business-exploits will, from that point on, not be regarded as cameos.
- It has been established that Wyndrgarde Ironkeel the Gunmage is a descendant of Wheels Ironkeel of Magical Misfits, hence that fact and associated references will not be accounted for.
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