Oddly Vanilla
Oddly Vanilla

- None recorded

- Ying & Yan - In order to play the Ying & Yan arcade game you must be in two minds! 13-08-2018
- Mayor Montenegro - The adventures of Mayer Montenegro makes for a good arcade game background! 13-08-2018
- My Pet Succubus - You sure you can handle the My Pet Succubus Arcade Game? Because it will drain you! 13-08-2018
- Kings Club - Kings Club is such a classic arcade game that its no wonder its to be found at this casino! 13-08-2018
- Maddy Scientist - In this place its not surprising to see Maddy Scientist has become an arcade game! 13-08-2018
- Third Shift Society - The Third Shift Society arcade game is a hit among the wooden people of this casino! 13-08-2018
- PaperCutsComic - Its takes some to play a game based on PaperCutsComic, so better keep your gloves on! 13-08-2018

Oddly Vanilla cameos/references can be found in:
- Hue Are You? - Build-a seems to be quite into the movie that is Oddly Vanilla! 18-10-2019

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