Psychic Dyslexia Institute
Psychic Dyslexia Institute

- None recorded

- College Roomies From Hell!!! - Thats one hot looking Play Pup Roger you got there! 04-03-2001
- Framed - Looks like the PDI Screening Clinic has a visit from some fugitives on the run! 08-08-2001

PDI cameos/references can be found in:
- Zortic - Mysto is obviously paying a visit to the planet of Gothtropolis, planet of Superheroes! 13-04-2001
- Captain Mike - Tracker and Mysto make an appearence as giant mosaic works! 24-06-2001

Scott "Scix" Maddix cameos/references:
- Cinderblock - Scott gives a presentation of Free Comic Book Day! 01-05-2003

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