- None recorded

- Penny Arcade - Francis decides to bring himself back on the right path by being with the right people! 20-08-1999
- Penny Arcade - Tycho and Gabe are younger and edgier, so they take over the show! 03-07-2004
- Greystone Inn - Argus visits Comic Con and gets Skull as Wingman for picking up girls... hilarity assured! 26-07-2004
- Penny Arcade - It was obviously Tycho who played around with sending dead threats to Brent! 07-06-2005
- Liberty Meadows - Brent takes Skull to a real dentist, and ends up in Liberty Meadows for a few strips! 06-07-2005
- Penny Arcade - Looks like free speech is not an option when Gabe and Tycho runs the show! 25-01-2007
- The Whiteboard - Humanized Red bids welcome to his paintball field, and Doc enters a strip later! 28-02-2008
- Axe Cop - What happens when Axe Cop and Lolbat teams up?! Cheezburgers for sure! Gueststrip02-04-2012
- xkcd - Yes, these days its stickfigures thats in... just like those in xkcd! 21-08-2014
- Dinosaur Comics - Reggie is not to be show as a stick figure, Reggie is a wellknown dinosaur! 21-08-2014

PvP cameos/references can be found in:
- Boxjam's Doodle - Jade and Francis are BoxJam-ified in order to try telling jokes the Boxjam way! Gueststrip01-04-2000
- Funny Farm - Somebody has shown up in a real inventive Skull costume! 22-11-2000
- Dork Tower - I don't think any tournament with skull signing up can be considered "normal"! 23-01-2001
- Checkerboard Nightmare - Wonder if CN retooled in PvP style would ever have catched on? 09-02-2001
- Lost & Found - Pokemon-crazed Skull mistakes Peanut for his all-favorite Pikachu! 04-03-2001
- Bad Boys of Computer Science - As the gamer, Francis will find his allies when the Diablo II Beta begins! 20-03-2000
- Checkerboard Nightmare - Brent and Francis gives all the can in the battle against Vaporware! 28-05-2001
- Megatokyo - Cole seems not particulary impressed with the demonstration of the "Little Town" idea! 11-06-2001
- Megatokyo - Francis takes the lead frag-wise but is taken out in turn... and not by Marcy this time! Gueststrip12-07-2001
- It's Walky! - Figures Brent Sienna would be one of those ruling with the cartoonsit filler-dead! 17-07-2001
- Shinku - Off course Brent would be a part of a tech-team that should beat Sony! 12-08-2001
- Schlock Mercenary - Skull is on a Tacobufa run! 21-09-2001
- Real Life - The cast are rabid readers of PVP... on too many occasions to mention seperately! 17-12-2001
- Megatokyo - Skull in a Whack-A-Troll game! Hitting him gives Scott Kurtz a wedgie! 04-02-2002
- Construction Paper Angst - Almost hidden by chairs, a poster with Brent and Skull can be spotted! 13-03-2002
- The Whiteboard - A little species-mistake causes Brent to end up in pieces under a furious Doc! 25-10-2002
- Nothing Special - When Brent has the Protective Blanket of Fear, he doesn't let go easily! 12-02-2003
- Slackers - Far to the left we just about spot Skull... gawking at the professors crude joke! 06-03-2003
- Bruno the Bandit - Obviously the PVPverse is more popular than the Brunoverse! 28-03-2003
- Troy's Bucket - Francis is next in line to kick the man already lying down! 31-03-2003
- Greystone Inn - Skull, bowtie and all, is happily waving to the audience and the Webcomic Celebration! 08-05-2003
- Ctrl+Alt+Del - When the gaming content of the comic gets too low, Brent has to step in with a warning! 09-05-2003
- Greystone Inn - Figures that Brent would think of such a problem as bandwidth at the buffet! 10-05-2003
- The Whiteboard - I'm not sure Skull has gotten the idea of Paintball... when you consider his weapons! 01-09-2003
- Real Life - That.... is one hell of a webcomic niche PvP is occupying with that genre! 21-10-2003
- Labgoats - S is for Skull, who ate the last mint! 26-10-2003
- The Whiteboard - At a Halloween Party, Brent is trading office-stories with the other guests! 31-10-2003
- Hello Cruel World - Amid the celebrities on the wall, there is a painting depicting Skull! 13-11-2003
- The Uncanny X-Sprites - Skull finds out that being blue is not case enough to build familarity on...! 24-11-2003
- Something Positive - There we have it, a genuine wobble bobble Skull doll! 03-04-2004
- Checkerboard Nightmare - Chex's helpless hostage drops a drawing of Brent Sienna! 30-04-2004
- Schlock Mercenary - Wonder if named the cat "Scratch Fury" wouldn't start a rivalry? 04-07-2004
- AACMAW - Well, if you HAVE to enter a feud in webcomicking, why not with PvP? 04-07-2004
- Penny Arcade - Sometimes it's pretty convenient to have a gaming comic like PvP as a scapegoat! 23-07-2004
- Greystone Inn - Looks like PvP also has a kind of booth up at the convention! 11-08-2004
- Dandy & Company - Dandy and the PvP's shop for Christmas... and the hunt for the golden key is on! 06-12-2004
- Niego - Leland zoons in on his webcomics and gets alternate Jane and Brent interaction! 14-01-2005
- Schlock Mercenary - Looks like we have Brent Sienna in front row... wonder if he pays up? 13-02-2005
- Getting By Comics - Back in the safety of her room, our heroine swears she will date Brent Sienna! 14-02-2005
- Arthur, King of Time and Space - When they talk with their hands in PvP, they do it with palms up! 20-03-2005
- Arthur, King of Time and Space - Yep, Lancelot could make a pretty good Brent in the PvP parody later! 03-04-2005
- Girls with Slingshots - The kid in the background is wearing a PvP-sponsored 'Han Shot First' shirt! 19-05-2005
- Rogue Robot - Amony and Ben pays a visit to the zoo-home of Pinp-Pong, the famous PvP-Panda! 03-06-2005
- Lethal Doses - Francis and Skull sit very concentrated in the couch, not letting anything disturb them! 24-06-2005
- Melonpool - Mayberry discovers that PvP has a high concentration of nerdiness! 28-06-2005
- The Pet Professional - Both Brent Sienna and Scratch Fury have made headlines in the newspaper! 08-07-2005
- Muertitos - Would it be refreshing if Lafcadio became Cole and played games in the strip? 12-07-2005
- The Pet Professional - The table of PvP at Comiccon is all empty... we are left in the dark to why? 15-07-2005
- HOUSD - Well, one with a style like Francis is SUPPOSED to be nerdy! 16-07-2005
- Cortland - Cortland thinks that if you are having trouble understanding PvP, then see it as... Dilbert? 26-07-2005
- Cortland - Revelation! Todd wears a T-shirt copied from Francis! 29-07-2005
- Lost & Found - Frank is put through one of Beth's makeovers, and ends up looking like... Brent! 29-07-2005
- The Pet Professional - A cute Skull-plushie can be found on a shelf in the bathroom! 05-08-2005
- Checkerboard Nightmare - Out in Webcomic City we can clearly see a building with a giant PvP-logo! 19-08-2005
- Niego - So... in this dream Websnark made an article about Niego? Right after having enjoyed PvP? 01-09-2005
- Arthur, King of Time and Space - A little discussion about popular entertainment... PvP-style! 04-09-2005
- Niego - Libby is being "upgraded", and her second state is Miranda all the way! 16-09-2005
- Vexxarr - There's only one proper way to take one's leave... doing the PvP-way! 21-12-2005
- Candi - Brent is out shopping Christmas-presents... for Jade or for himself? 22-12-2005
- Anywhere But Here - Dressed up for party, both Brent and Cole are among the guests! 10-02-2006
- Today - Looks like the gaming fella on the couch is none other than Skull! 20-02-2006
- Radioactive Panda - The Roman Puppetry is one big PvP-reference, complete with Skull! 26-03-2006
- Yirmumah! - Oh my! That looks to be a genuine PvP Mug DJ is drinking from there! 06-04-2006
- Everyday Stuff - Wonder what Brent Sienna is doing in the queue? Wonder it HE knows? 07-04-2006
- HOUSD - Brent and Cole achieve a midair crossover crash! Can Francis comfort Jade in the next strip? 01-05-2006
- Impy & Aevy - Brent trying to pass Skull as a dog at a Dog Show? Well Spazz me! O.o! 03-05-2006
- The PC Weenies - Looks like Skull is close to high water where I don't think he'll be able to keep on top! 15-05-2006
- F@nboy$ - The poster on the wall is the famous and original all PVP-crew poster! 01-06-2006
- Checkerboard Nightmare - Brent just dont want videogame references in his video game magazine movie! 01-06-2006
- Sunday at Ten - What would have happened when they had to comment on Jade's... assets? Gueststrip28-06-2006
- P.U.C.K - Francis controls the two-handed Sign of Metal to perfection! 27-09-2006
- Anywhere But Here - That was not a smart comment Francis, she got you there! 11-10-2006
- RevolverComic.com - It looks like Brent Sienna would like to comment personally on the situation! 15-10-2006
- Evil Inc. - Board meetings are tough stuff, and Scratch is attending with his killing board! 16-10-2006
- Ugly Hill - My... isn't that one of the worldfamous Skull-plushies on the screen back there? 22-01-2007
- Evil Overlords United - Shecky has been caught live and worried on the screens of the Overlords! 30-03-2007
- Scary Go Round - A small cute Skull-plushie has been donated for sale at "Help the Wretched"! 04-04-2007
- Real Life - Were there only 5 webcomics back in 99? Okay, but Greg was reading PvP! 04-04-2007
- GansWorks - Is Brent a social retads that has never seen a girl? Perhaps he was once...! 17-04-2007
- Ugly Hill - Getting work again = Good! Getting work as Skull in PvP = Not Good! 05-06-2007
- Synaptic Misfiring - One can wonder if Brent and Jade only went to the bar in order ot make out? 12-07-2007
- You'll Have That - During a relaxing Pajama day, Andy prefers reading his PvP book in bed! 13-07-2007
- Girls with Slingshots - Looks like Maureen has just missed one of this year's largest webcomic events! 28-08-2007
- PS238 - Besides keeping up on politics and superheroes, Herschel has also been reading up on PvP! 28-09-2007
- ManBoys - Meeting characters from PvP gives interesting food for thoughts for a couple of strips! 03-11-2007
- The Whiteboard - Why should you let a broken bridge stop you when you can pass in car PvP-style?! 29-02-2008
- PS238 - Good thing you have a PvP-comic at hand when you have to demonstrate Dilatant Compound! 30-04-2008
- Electronic Tigers - Brent has it all in his mouth, also when he is kissing... Ethan? 03-06-2008
- Evil Inc. - Wonder what the employees would say if they knew the boss read PVP at work? 07-07-2008
- Glitchtown - Brent Sienna is invited in to give his honest uncolored advice for Glitchtown! 07-07-2008
- Broken Plot Device - On his wall Zig has a poster of none other than Skull hanging around! 10-07-2008
- Times Like This - Matt comes to the Halloween Party dressed as Brent... complete with Panda! 28-10-2008
- Times Like This - Rodney IS a videogame freak, so off course PvP is on his list of webcomics he reads! 21-11-2008
- Living With Insanity - Would reading PvP make you forget to have fun... or worse? 13-02-2009
- Legend of Bill - Hey, just because the Sienna-look is geeky, it doesn't mean it cannot also look cool! 23-03-2009
- Least I Could Do - No working for a Gaming Comic, Skull can now side with the apartment-characters! 04-04-2009
- Least I Could Do - Guess the opponents didn't expect Lol Bat to show up in the thick of the battle! 10-04-2009
- The Girl Next Door - Scratch Furry would have been a good name... though its already taken! 07-07-2009
- Nodwick - The direct route has for Nodwick taken a detour through the maw of Skull! 24-07-2009
- Misfits of Mischief - Getting lost in Limbo seems to have taken its toll on Skull... poor beast! 07-09-2009
- Living With Insanity - A strip that delves into the fantasy lands of PvP... and the rest of us to a degree! 22-09-2009
- PS238 - Aah, how cute the little one is, having fallen asleep with his favourite Skull Plush-Toy! 06-11-2009
- Nodwick - Among all the rabble from the table-crash, we spot one very Skull-like puppet! 14-12-2009
- Dead Winter - Looks like the mall has a skull-plushie in their plushie bargain bin! 30-02-2010
- Golden Age of Adventurers - Hook is drawn in a style resembling PvP-style for this 1st of April joke strip! 01-04-2010
- Mob Ties - So, cat-eared Brent Sienna is a part of the board-meeting with the Tannuki clan...! 27-04-2010
- Living With Insanity - Who to better consult when its about creating doom-droid bodies? Scratch Fury off course! 10-05-2010
- Zombie Roomie - Reporting the astonishing wishes of Firefly fans come true is none other than Miranda at TMI-News! 21-07-2010
- Department 34 - It's been some time since PvP last did videogames from the couch, and they had pants on then! 24-12-2010
- Trans Girl Diaries - With a shot of Testosterone, Naomi lands in high-profile jobs like actoring in PvP! 15-02-2011
- Times Like This - There's one claypot there on the shelf made in the likeness of Skull... all emptyheaded! 07-03-2011
- Komet Kangaroo - Princess Space Filler better hurry! Her Panda gig at PvP is on in a short time! 17-04-2011
- Zombie Roomie - Looks like John is ready to hand out Halloween cameo dressed as Skull... nice costume! 31-10-2011
- Evil Inc. - For an appetite-spoiling trip with Granddad, Oscar is wearing his new Skull-shirt! 04-06-2012
- Nodwick - Brent's "Silverleaf" has obviously not seen anything resembling a "Nitwick!?"! 13-06-2012
- Wayward Sons - A guest-comic honouring the PvP crew's life in the world of City of Heroes... Steampunk style! 16-09-2012
- The Whiteboard - Bandit makes a very good Brent Sienna for this 2012 Halloween Party event of Doc's! 31-10-2012
- Evil Inc. - Looks like Oscar has his Skull-doll sitting on the shelf above his bed! 31-12-2012
- Frankenstein Superstar - Scratch Fury in all his villainous attire is brought up as an example to Frankenstein! 03-06-2013
- Arthur, King of Time and Space - The Panda learns not to jump the wrong person in THIS world! 05-08-2013
- Checkerboard Nightmare - PvP seems to have a lot of drama that works for them, so Chex wants to try some of the same! Gueststrip14-07-2005
- Intelligent Life - Lolbat, or one dressed as him, takes his lunch out at the convention! 06-10-2014
- Intelligent Life - Either that's one with a great Halloween costume, or Skull is having a night out! 26-10-2014
- Wonderland Hates You - A cute little figure of Skull is one of things the shop has on display! 21-03-2016
- The Whiteboard - Looks like Skull came to The Whiteboard's Halloween party straight from trick'n treating! 31-10-2016
- Mindmistress - Jumping the dimensions, Percy comes face to face with the PvP crew! Horrible Thoughts P. 45
- Casey & Andy - Frances are not so easily intimidated... not by a Quake-challenge anyway! #102
- Bigger Than Cheeses - Looks like everyone for PvP is at the party... at least Thanatos can see them somewhere! Strip 121
- Bigger Than Cheeses - A spontaneously Panda-attack? Well THAT has to be something new... right? Strip 292
- Bigger Than Cheeses - When you gather the A-List of webcomic stars for a party you can be sure that Skull will be attending! Strip 340
- Bigger Than Cheeses - BTC in PVP style, even with the Panda attack... to the delight of Natalie! Strip 342
- The Ninja Burger Crew - When attacked by a large bear, you are suddenly in the same boat as Brent! Strip 132
- Sara & David - Looks like both Brent and Francis has been put on newspaper-stand duty! Comic #1
- Sequential Art - Looks like not all kinds of Trolls are so easy to deal with in this game! #258
- Sequential Art - And as the beam strikes the sleeping town, the PvP building is demolished! #318
- True Groove - Brent gone Ipod sure knows how to use his charms to hack a few lady systems! Strip 215

Webcomic artist appearances/references:
- Penny Arcade - Off course Tycho has a lot in common with Scott Mccloud, they are just playing... right? 11-06-2005
- I Can't Stop Thinking! - At the San Diego Comicon, Scott Mccloud finally get his showdown with Tyche! 11-06-2005
- Starslip Crisis - A webcam discusssion between Scott and Kris Straub enters pooping waters! 04-03-2007
- Starslip Crisis - When Scott is damaged, Kris takes over PvP... with shipping results! 14-01-2013
- Penny Arcade - So Jerry Holkins is playing Omin Dran? What came first.. the chicken or the egg?! 28-08-2015

Scott Kurtz cameos/references:
- Penny Arcade - Scott's last explosive rant has hit front page in The Daily News! 11-04-2001
- Necronomicon - Swearing is heavily censored... maybe that will make Scott Kurtx happy? 10-05-2001
- Megatokyo - Kurtz may have been a good guy, but Piro got his head in his killing spree! 31-10-2001
- Purple Pussy - Obviously an anthromorhed Scott Kurtz is having fun on behalf of Keenspot's problems! 06-03-2002
- Purple Pussy - In his anthromorphed form, Scott is also among the many characters assembled! 02-10-2002
- Something Positive - Kurtz migt be a hack, but he is nothing compared to Milholland! 11-02-2004
- Death Bunny - Death Bunny might be right, there wouldn't be room for Scott Kurtz in the comic! 01-06-2004
- Goats - Scott has a place in a con-panel so he can show off his experience! 16-06-2004
- Cortland - Naah.. better avoid a lawsuit from Kurtz and keep Todd shorthaired! 08-07-2004
- Yirmumah! - So... Scott Kurtz is the most successfull and hated man in webcomics of all time? 23-08-2004
- Real Life - Wonder if taking a job with Scott Kurtz would improve the situation of the RL cast? 27-09-2004
- Checkerboard Nightmare - Looks like Chex wanted to TP Scott Kurtz' house but got the wrong address! 03-12-2004
- Muffin-Time - So, in order to show you a tiger, we let Scott Kurtz be eaten by one! 09-03-2005
- Penny Arcade - Tycho and Gabe has a litlte internal discussion about Scott Kurtz's Eisner-nomination! 15-04-2005
- Treading Ground - Scott Kurtz is not worried about competition, he just crush it! 28-04-2005
- Niego - Jason battles out with Scott Kurtz at Comicon... much like in a certain PvP-strip! 13-06-2005
- Arthur, KoTaS - Looks like Scott hit just a little too close with his witty comment there! 15-07-2005
- Niego - John knows better than to try and hold out until Kurtz gets tired of WoW! 29-08-2005
- Arthur, KoTaS - Scott Kurtz can be a little bit snarky when it comes to commenting on gags and shading! 26-12-2005
- Something Positive - I would have thought catching Scott like that would be punishment enough?! Gueststrip10-02-2006
- Cortland - It's hard promoting a webcomic, unless you piss somebody off... Scott Kurtz for example! 30-03-2006
- I'm Always Right - At the San Diego Comic-Con 2006, Aaron met and shaked hands with Scott Kurtz! 21-07-2006
- The Whovian Observer - The unedited version of the Gigcast contributed Scott Kurtz differently! 29-09-2006
- Penny Arcade - Gabe doesn't shake hands with anyone... unless its Ste... Scott Kurtz! 02-04-2007
- Something Positive - Is Kurtz better than Randy just because he MIGHT give away his phone number? 14-04-2007
- Real Life - Looks like Scott Kurtz didn't have the best of luck with calling the persons in the hats! 06-09-2007
- Premise Beach - Scott has at least made one person think... but thoughts are a doubleedged sword! 24-12-2007
- Weregeek - Equipped with his wizard hat, Scott Kurtz is ready to run a good roleplaying game! 24-11-2008
- Living With Insanity - Yes, some Scott Kurtz things need to be censored... we cannot always live with out insanity! 12-01-2010
- Living With Insanity - Scott Kurtz and Ted Rall's mutual realtionship, now redone with toilet roll tubes! 04-04-2010
- Kiwi Blitz - The Buddy-Cop to the left is based on none other that Scott Kurtz! 25-05-2010
- Zombie Roomie - Scott Kurtz does it as a classic Bond villain... who should perhaps have thought George through! 09-06-2010

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