
- None recorded

- Megatokyo - Sad Dragon in Snow... a sad Megatokyo Cliche coming to Quarters! 22-12-2004

Quarters cameos/references can be found in:
- Death Bunny - Now it has been confirned, Quarters are still inhabiting the gray void of The Hiatus! 01-04-2005
- Impy & Aevy - For reasons unknown, Hammer has taken a liking to watch the Dog Show! 08-05-2006
- Impy & Aevy - Spike must also have taken a liking to dog-shows, cause he too is among the audience! 10-05-2006
- Impy & Aevy - On Impy's toyshelf, a small figure of Hammer can be found! 18-12-2006
- Impy & Aevy - Among the many dolls in the window of the toystore, is one of Spike! 20-12-2006
- Impy & Aevy - Hammer looks too shocked to even more from watching the performance in front of him! 06-04-2007

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