Role of the Die
Role of the Die

- Sawdust - See what happens when two different groups of people sit down and roleplay together ! 21-06-2004

- Theater Hopper - Looks like both Tom and Jared visit the same movies as Jim & Crew! 25-08-2004
- Distant Eras - Looks like there's a certain character in the second panel who has escaped a Distant Era! 10-05-2006
- Lattice - With a smoke and a halfsmile, Lance seems to be enjoying himself at the Con! 10-05-2006
- Rawk Out Comics - Seems like someone has brought a Masked Monkey doll with them to the Con! 10-05-2006

Role of the Die cameos/references can be found in:
- Twice Destined - Jim North gives it as a kidnapping pirate mage of dice-magic for a bunch of strips! 04-04-2005
- Distant Eras - Going up against Rabid in the Bumper Cars is sheer madness on the highway! 19-01-2007
- Distant Eras - Hmm... wonder if Role of the Die is a Fantasy or Vegas kind of movie? 05-03-2007
- The KAMics - If may be Role of the Die, but when the dyer puns it become Role of the Dye! 11-02-2009

Webcomic artist appearances/references:
- Beyond Reality - Almost hidden behind his giant trademark sword, we find Orion at the con! 10-05-2006
- Tales of the Traveling Gnome - Looks like Netpoet has found some interesting books at the con! 10-05-2006
- Grab My Goblin - At the RP Genesis Con, Grabmygoblin manages to fly just out of reach! 10-05-2006
- Spriteville, USA - Spriteville is flying around over the crowd at the RP Genesis Con! 10-05-2006
- Like the Wind - Looks like Joel Fagin is head deep into trouble at the Con! 10-05-2006
- Reckless Youth - RYCLade is truly outraged about being in the middle of the Con's crowd! 10-05-2006
- Playing With Knives - In order to meet eye to eye, Vorticus has found the use of a chair! 10-05-2006
- Elf Only Inn - Guess Sortelli's avatar finally has found something to meet eye to eye! 10-05-2006
- 8:1 - Not battering an eye, Yeahduff can off course be found in the CG-crowd at the Con! 10-05-2006
- Burgundy Comics, INC - CJ is fooling around with Kisai on her shoulders, terrorizing the CG-crowd! 10-05-2006
- Kisai Appreciation Site - From her point of advantage, Kisai is striking down on nearby troublemakers! 10-05-2006
- Atavism - The black monster, Cope, doesn't feel all too secure among the strange people at the Con! 10-05-2006
- Strange Happenings - The ghostly Col floats around the RP Genesis crowd, glaring evilly! 10-05-2006
- Many Tidings Grim - It looks like there's a certain person at the Con Corgan Dane would like to talk to! 10-05-2006
- The Volet - Ti-Phil has found a nice comfy seat in the middle of the rowdy Con-crowd! 10-05-2006
- Reasoned Cognition - The floating glowing ball of Ryan Kolter has found a use as a soft couch! 10-05-2006
- Darken - A rarely seen light-skinned and female Komiyan has found her way to the RP Genesis Con! 10-05-2006
- Star Bored - Poor Mr. Bob, he went to the Con, and then he spilled his icecream! 10-05-2006
- Cortland - Off course its impossible to think of a RP Genesis Con without Cort being there! 10-05-2006
- Angry D. Monkey - Hey! It looks like monkey-suit K-Dawg finally has found a close true friend ! 10-05-2006
- Accomplished Person - Mcduffies is also at the Con, doing a rather bizarre form of protest! 10-05-2006
- Many Tidings Grim - Outside the window we can spot Corgan sneaking around at Halloween! 31-10-2006

Roland "Jim" Lowery cameos/references:
- Angry D. Monkey - Right in the middle of the fight-night spectator crowd we find Jim! 25-02-2005
- Thespiphobia - Jim North is present among the many guest at the grand opening night! 13-03-2005
- If Then Else - When you are going out to roleplay, a hit is seeking out Jim North to DM! 27-06-2005
- The Volet - Jim has been hired as a Stormtrooper? Oh bugger, there goes the galaxy! 29-08-2006
- Strange Happenings - Dressed as a fork for Halloween, Jim North has more use for his feet to get away! 01-11-2006
- Angry D. Monkey - Jim North attends the party, and is impressed by an amazing moustache! 13-11-2006
- Distant Eras - Among the few visitors to the movies, we also find none other than Jim! 05-03-2007
- The Wacky Adv. of Lunar and Kirk - I think Jim should have demanded payment up front! 11-07-2008

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