
- None recorded

- Nukees - Hey! No boycotting the Agnostica Holiday! Scientists unite to prevent it! 15-12-2002
- Evil Inc. - Looks like the Devil has made his headquarters in a remarkable familiar building! 11-03-2007

Sinfest cameos/references can be found in:
- FLEM - Jay gives Slick a quick but smashing lecture in "Fair usage and parody"! 07-05-2000
- Joe Average - Slick is cool, and nobody, especially not Joe, is better than he! 30-08-2000
- Lost & Found - Slick and Max enjoy the peace and discuss the possible inspirations for their creation! 22-09-2000
- Chopping Block - Why should Butch sell his soul to the Devil? He is already owned by him! 09-10-2000
- Schlock Mercenary - As a bonus Schlock borrows Beat-Poet's stage for a haiku to his favorite weapon! 11-11-2000
- Sabrina Online - Both Slick and Monique listen to Amy's song on open mike night! December 2000
- Melonpool - Slick really doesn't like being compared to Calvin? :-) 12-12-2000
- Goodbye Cruel World - GCW deals with its competition... and there will be crowded in Sinfest heaven! 08-02-2001
- Sunday Morning Coffee - "Comisoviet" works to get people to read their comics instead of Sinfest! 25-03-2001
- Sunday Morning Coffee - Bad luck for Squigley, it is all to legal to cook and serve cute little pigs! 08-04-2001
- It's Walky! - Slick is waiting in line to have his filler-fun with Alison! 15-07-2001
- 1/0 - A try on making an impersonation of the Tat-man's style is made... more or less successfull! 13-08-2001
- 3 Finger Salute - Slick with Monique tells what a good webcomic needs... sex! sex! and more sex! 15-08-2001
- Schlock Mercenary - Slick and Monique get a 'spiced up' meal at the future Tacobuffet! 23-09-2001
- The Devil's Panties - Pirate Jennie is keeping close guard over her treasure pile of Sinfest drawings! 10-01-2003
- Bruno the Bandit - Obviously the Sinfestverse is more popular than the Brunoverse! 28-03-2003
- Troy's Bucket - Monique and Slick wait in the queue... and Slick doesn't mind the waiting at all! 31-03-2003
- The Whiteboard - Slick is more than ready to enter the field of paintball... but perhaps another weapon? 01-09-2003
- Emergency Exit - For the Halloween special, Karl has chosen to be cool and dress up as Slick! Archived locally31-10-2003
- Dominic Deegan - Luna actually looks quite good as a Halloween version of Monique! 31-10-2003
- Schlock Mercenary - There's already one Percival in webcomics, so another one would be too much! 04-07-2004
- Melonpool - Mayberry's research shows that Sinfest has a high concentration or nerd... ehh, coolness! 28-06-2005
- The KAMics - The Hand of God looks....spooky? Why was is rejected as Halloween costume? 28-10-2005
- Tailsteak - With women and coffee comes... pastry! According to Squigley that is! 12-11-2005
- Honeybees & Handgrenades - Douglas prepares to enter Sinfest to get the chance to hit on Monique! 27-11-2006
- The Whiteboard - The angel of Sinfest stops by to tell Doc the true meaning of Christmas! 02-01-2007
- Rogues of Clwyd-Rhan - The Devil is having a good time, visiting the bar of the Sulfur Pit of hell! 13-04-2007
- Mindmistress - Even a highly advanced AI like Vicki can enjoy the antics of Sinfest! 09-07-2007
- The KAMics - A frequent guest in this library seems to be Criminy! 13-06-2008
- Least I Could Do - Window of panel 2 becomes a gate through which to watch the going-ons in Sinfest ! 28-03-2009
- Least I Could Do - Keeping his cool about him, as usual, Slick surveys the latest deaths and damage! 07-04-2009
- Upheaval - In outstanding fashion, Ransom is dressed up as Slick for this Halloween! 29-10-2009
- Sister Claire - Fuchsia and Baby Blue burst into the Valentine's photo to share the love! 14-02-2010
- Evil Overlords United - Uhoh, looks like the last link Zworgue followed has taken them into Sinfest-territory! 22-01-2011
- Sabrina Online - Yeah, when you get paid to not read Sabrina's comic, you can always begin on Sinfest! September 2012
- Casey & Andy - They may be from two different comic worlds, but being Satan is still a question about style! #102
- CuteWendy - So... Sinfest got slashdotted and became Megapopular? Let's send in the penguin! #49
- Big Ones - This is not about Sinfest! All similarities are denied! #77
- Bigger Than Cheeses - Thanatos happily spots both Slick and Monique somewhere off panel! Strip 121

Tatsuya Ishida cameos/references:
- The Grim DotCom - A Tatsuya Ishida Tribute strip... hacked for your convenience! 10-10-2004
- Real Life - Tatsuya appears at the Marathon Comic Thing in his own heart-stopping style! 13-05-2005

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