Strange Happenings
Strange Happenings

- None recorded

- The End of Things - Coming trick'n treating, Evan wasn't ready for THAT kind of shock! 01-11-2006
- 8:1 - Coming dressed as a pineapple, Charles gets the shock of his life when the door opens! 01-11-2006

Strange Happenings cameos/references can be found in:
- P.S.I. - If Fes just would turn around, he would get a frightening view of Wade! 12-02-2007
- Distant Eras - Looks like Wade has gotten a job as Ghost in the Haunted House of the park! 26-01-2007
- AntiBunny - A Generic rabbit has been set to pull the labor camp's wagons! 22-02-2007
- P.S.I. - We haven't seen much to Wade for some time, but it may change now he is free! 02-01-2008

Webcomic artist appearances/references:
- Doppies - Opening the door at Halloween, shows the two cute doppies Cookie and Robin! 30-10-2006
- Legostar Galactica - Dressed for Halloween, Legostar flees the house in fear! 01-11-2006
- Cortland - Wildly screaming, Cortland runs to get away from the house as fast as possible! 01-11-2006
- Role of the Die - Dressed as a fork for Halloween, Jim North has more use for his feet to get away! 01-11-2006

Colin "Col" Burke cameos/references:
- Thespiphobia - Even a ghost needs a day out, and Col has floated in to take a seat! 13-03-2005
- Role of the Die - The ghostly Col floats around the RP Genesis crowd, glaring evilly! 10-05-2006
- Alternate Delusions - The Green Lanterns takes all kinds, and Col has joined them for training! 17-08-2006
- Angry D. Monkey - Floating out of the the portal, Colster find the area to be to his liking! 10-11-2006

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