Tales To Behold

- None recorded

- None recorded

Tales To Behold cameos/references can be found in:
- Wonderland Hates You - On the back of the wall we spot a great rendering of the powerful superheroine of Centenna! 21-03-2016
- Lady Spectra & Sparky - No Lady Spectra, the world might have The Odds to fight for it, but it also needs you! 14-11-2016
- Kaza's Mate, Gwenna - The Hero-Hours is broadcast in this world too, and Burst Lion and Captain Evening give comments! MA content warning!21-02-2017
- Kaza's Mate, Gwenna - Jung-La takes the action to the jungle for a couple of strips, backupped by Kaza & Gwenna! MA content warning!Gueststrip06-03-2017
- Kaza's Mate, Gwenna - Kaza & Gwenna dress up for a Christmas in town with friends from the Beholderverse! MA content warning!Gueststrip04-12-2017
- Abúi's Travels - Looks like the well-used and full community shower off the Odds soon will get more crowded! 22-06-2019
- Cultish Manners - This place is into high-quality advertising! Its a Tales to Behold poster they have hanging around! 03-07-2019
- Almighty Protectors - Yep, one of the Jenny Everywhere's have met the Odds... and admit to it! 21-04-2021

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