This Ego of Mine
This Ego of Mine

- None recorded

- Civil War - And the whole thing had been a plot by Kristin to further the cause of team Zac! 04-04-2007

This Ego of Mine cameos/references can be found in:
- Locoma - Much can be said, but Kristin DO look extreme in her Mistress-outfit! 24-12-2007

Webcomic artist appearances/references:
- Luciefer - During the interview Zac reveals that he is.. A Ninja! Off course, battle ensures...! 27-02-2006
- Pinky TA - Ozoneocean is on the Valentines list, but HAS been taken care of! 10-02-2007
- Dreams in Synergy - Looks like the New Age Cherub has already taken care of Subcultured's love life! 10-02-2007
- Acquired Taste - WingNut was one the Cherubs lovelist, but that one has been taken care of already! 10-02-2007
- New Luciefer - Zac's lovelife has already been taken care of by the New Age Cherub, who's next? 10-02-2007
- Children at Play - Kingofsnake was up on the loveless list, but that has been fixed now! 10-02-2007
- The Kick Assers - Bioteddy's lovelife is fixed with one sharp arrow and a hot guyonguy kiss! 10-02-2007
- Locoma - Locoma is on the list of people to have their lovelives fixed this Valentines! 10-02-2007
- Changing Worlds - Wonder if the Cherub will have any trouble with fixing PinkDiapers lovelife? 10-02-2007
- Lovemagic - Tea Green is one artist who needs the Cherub to spice up her lovelife! 10-02-2007
- LAX: Light Motion Dreams - Terminal has been put on the list the New Age Cherub needs to help out! 10-02-2007
- Big Fish Comic - BigFishComic is one artist who need to pay more attention to the lovelife! 10-02-2007
- Lifes a Dilema With Cory and Emma - Emjee is one of those invited for the special prize! 04-04-2007
- The Electric Owl - The black and white appearence of Loran shares his smokes with the others! 04-04-2007
- Locoma - Locoma participated in the coloring contest and was invited in to visit Green Tangerine! 04-04-2007
- Changing Worlds - While waiting to hear what Green Tangerine has to say, PinkDiapers bums a cigaret! 04-04-2007

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