Once Upon a Table
Once Upon a Table

- None recorded

- RPG World - Yes, its a sign of the times, and times ARE tough... take it from an expert! 21-11-2002
- It's Walky! - The store sure is well stocked with all kinds of It's Walky! toys! 09-05-2003
- RPG World - What would be worst? Comply with the laws of physics or turning into RPG World? 10-07-2003

Once Upon a Table cameos/references can be found in:
- Nothing Special - Mark, Nate and Chad have find themselves some nice seats among the audience! 06-05-2005
- Nothing Special - A lot of the players have showed up to pay their respect at the comic's ending! 16-05-2005
- A Taste of Evil - The evil of Andrew gets fueled to new heights in the game of his life! 31-05-2006

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