Webcomics Inc. High School
- None recorded
- Station V3 - The Rumourmongers know most of the rumours at school... except the one about location! 08-12-2008
- Everyday Heroes - Looks like Mr. Mighty has a picture from his days at WCI High hanging on his wall! xx-xx-2010
Webcomics Inc High School cameos/references can be found in:
- Nowhere so far
Hogan's Notes:
- The cast of Webcomics Inc High School is made up from characters from the comics of Mikey's Life, Good Times, Everyday Heroes and Big Sandy Gilmore, drawn by their respective artists, and hence they will not be counted as cameos.
- Webcomics Inc. High School seems to, as for now, having disappeared from the web. If you find it again, please give notice.
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