Wonder Weenies
Wonder Weenies

- None recorded

- None recorded

Wonder Weenies cameos/references can be found in:
- Kickman - Interviewing Murrey for internship is a hair-raising experience for Kickman! 19-04-2017
- Heroes of the World and Beyond - In one dimension a version of G.I.Ant can be seen... working Wonder Weenies?! 01-10-2018
- The Hero Business - A Hero Business & Wonder Weenies teamup is bound to become... hairy & messy! Gueststrip30-03-2018
- Nite Stick - Again Nite Stick drops into a world with superheroes... and identity crisis'! Gueststrip20-11-2019
- Nite Stick - Comics, posters and cosplayer, this comicshop got it all in Wonder Weenies! 27-01-2020

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