Ye Olde Lego-time Theatre
Ye Olde Lego-time Theatre
- Glomshire Knights - Lord Hiryxan and Xndr have come to watch the play... not without worries though! 26-03-2010
- Legostar Galactica - Alison and Sven hired as Inter-dimensionel security experts?... now thats a stretch! 26-03-2010
- Irregular Webcomic - Jamie and Adam confirms the myth that beards can disguise them among the audience! 26-03-2010
- Reasonably Clever - Zombie Wash and Mary Sue have their own discussions, waiting for the play to begin! 26-03-2010
- Tranquility Base - Looks like Squidman have a few complains about his selling of tickets for the play! 26-03-2010
- Nerds in Space - Among the audience waiting for the play to begin we find Captain Redstorm! 26-03-2010
Webcomic artist appearances/references:
- Bricks of the Dead - Among all the spectators massing to watch the play we find Cancerkitty! 26-03-2010
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